Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself


Hey there! It’s been a while. After an un-intentional hiatus, I realized how much I missed the creative outlet that blogging has always allowed me so I decided to come back to this space. A lot has changed in the world since I last blogged here…We’ve collectively been through the shock and trauma of a pandemic and so much more. There’s no need to rehash the details of all that here, I’m sure you read, watch, or hear about the news headlines in some form like I do.

As for personal changes, I no longer live in DC, the city I lived in for most of my adult life. I’m in Brooklyn at the moment. Like many non-essential workers, I’ve been working from home remotely for the last year. I also haven’t been on a subway in the last year. I personally feel a mix of grief from the trauma of surviving the past year and hope to eventually seeing the end of this pandemic and some semblance of a new normal. I feel so grateful that I have my health, a job, a home, and loved ones who are ok. But I feel very sad for the losses of that people I care about have faced. Like many others, I’ve had more zoom calls since March 2020 for both personal and professional reasons than I ever had in my life!

Even with these shifts in the world and smaller ones in my own life, I still like the same things that I love talking about in this space: Wellness, Beauty Products, Food, Travel, Books, and more! I plan to be in this space more regularly to share about those things…more to come soon!

Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash