Rooted and Well

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My Favorite Morning Habits

I’m a creature of habit through and through and have been since infancy. I thrived on a pretty consistent schedule as a child and still do to this day. My morning habits have shifted a bit during the past year since I haven’t had a commute to work, but I still have many of the same touch stones that I did before, I just take a bit more time to do them.

Morning Movement

Most mornings, I try to do some type of movement either a walk around the block, a quick yoga sequence, or a HIIT workout from YouTube. I don’t need to expound on the importance of movement and exercise here, but I know I personally feel better physically on days when I make time to move before diving into my day.

Morning Beverages

My favorite morning drinks are Matcha, Green Juice, and Water! I tend to feel better when I treat coffee as an occasional drink since it tends to make me a little jittery. I love using matcha from this brand to make matcha lattes. I also often make green juice with ingredients like green apples, spinach, celery, parsley, ginger, and lemon or lime. And though drinking water through out the day is still a habit I’m working on being consistent on, I always drink some water in the morning typically when I first wake up.

Morning Sound

I’m an avid podcast listener and love to start my morning by listening to one of the many podcasts I’m subscribed to. And since the pandemic started, I also enjoy listening to audiobooks during my daily walks. I don’t often play music in the mornings unless I think of a specific song or album I want to listen to at that given time.

Cleansing the Air in my Space

I feel like cleansing your personal space is more important than ever with many of us being home more. Opening windows, burning incense or sage, spraying a cleansing mist like Florida Water are some of the ways I cleanse the air of my home in the mornings.

Morning Affirmations or Mantras

Reading, writing, and saying affirmations or mantras aloud also helps me to set a positive tone for the day. That moment of grounding is especially helpful to get through busy days. I’m trying to remember to be kinder to myself and to talk to and encourage myself as I would any friend.

What are your favorite morning habits?

Image by Remy Park via Veggiekins