Rooted and Well

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Spring + Summer 2021 Bucket List

Spring has officially spring sprung in New York City…trees are blooming, and we’ve had some beautiful mild, sunny days that have made me want to explore! Because this beautiful time in the city is finite, I felt inspired to create a bucket list of things I want to do between now and late September. Because of the times we live in, my emphasis during the upcoming months will be on doing fun things outdoors or socially distant and masked if indoors.

Visit The Brooklyn Flea

Flea markets offer a sense of normalcy during these current times because it’s outside! I love the thrill of finding something used or by a ‘new to me artisan.’ I have the major pieces of furniture in my apartment but would love unique or vintage artwork or other pieces to finish off my apartment decor.

Clean out my closet

I have only worn a fraction of my wardrobe in over a year so it’s time to pull things out to organize and determine what I can part with. When things fully open up again I will likely want to purchase items that are more aligned with my current style so it makes sense to make room for those pieces.

Visit The High Line

I’d love to take an afternoon to walk around the High Line (something I’ve done before many times), but would like to do again sometime soon.

Gallery Hop in Chelsea

I’d like to head to Chelsea to check out some galleries. I’ve missed galleries and museums, so I’m looking forward to seeing some interesting and unique art in a couple of galleries.

Attend Shakespeare in the Park

I only lived in NYC 6 months before the Pandemic started and for all of the times I’ve visited NYC before I moved here, I have never seen any Shakespeare in the Park performances. So I hope to remedy that this summer.

Do Yoga Outside @ Brooklyn Museum

I really miss practicing yoga with other people so I’m looking forward to opportunities to do yoga outdoors like the Yoga @ Brooklyn Museum dates I signed up for.

Visit Central Park

There are obviously parks much closer to where I live which I also plan to visit a lot, but I’d like to make it over to Central Park a few times over the next couple of months for park hangouts as well.

Make Some Stuff

I’ve been playing around with the idea of making clay jewelry so I really need to give it a go. I also want to try my hand at abstract painting. If I can find a local spot (that takes all of the safety precautions), I’d also like to take a pottery class. I just need to take some time away from screens and play with things that will spark my creativity.

Try some ‘new to me’ Restaurants

Now that it’s warm enough to comfortably eat outdoors, I’d like to explore some restaurants outside of my immediate neighborhood. I’ve bookmarked a bunch of restaurants in Brooklyn and Manhattan that I’d like to try soon.

What are the must-do items on your bucket list this Spring and Summer?

Photo by Hector Argüello Canals on Unsplash