Starting a Full Moon Ritual Practice


Many ancient cultures have conducted rituals around the moon. In light of today’s Full Moon in Scorpio I wanted to talk about starting a Full Moon Ritual Practices in case you are looking for some suggestions to start your own. It’s great to take inspiration from traditional practices but it’s also good to follow your intuition. Here is my current Full Moon Ritual practice which I expect will evolve more over time:

1 | Clear my Space and Energy

I first start by energetically clearing my space. I often use cleansing tools like incense, Florida water, sage or Palo Santo to energetically clear my space before starting a moon ritual.

2 | Meditate

I then like to meditate to bring understanding, clarity and peace. I typically do a guided meditation (there are numerous options available on YouTube) or you can just follow your own preferred method of mediation.

3| Making a List

I write out a list on the paper with the pencil about all of the things I wish to let go/cut out of your life.

4| Burning a Candle

I then light a candle and with the fame of the candle, burn the paper with the list of things I want to let go/cut out of my life. I then place the paper in a bowl of water and let it burn and then throw away the ashes. If I used a fixed candle, I will keep while I am in my home until it’s finished.

5 | Close Out

I like to close out with a Prayer and thanking God, my ancestors, angels, and guides. I sometimes also write down affirmations or things I am thank fun for.

More Resources:

To develop your own FullMoon Ritual, check out these resources below:

Alina Alive YouTube Channel for Full Moon and New Moon Videos

Full Super Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon in Scorpio | Well + Good

Related: Starting a New Moon Ritual Practice

Photo by Guzmán Barquín on Unsplash